I started massage therapy because of my frequent headaches, which was my main focus. Not only have my headaches decreased tremendously, but in addition, massage therapy has improved my general health and well being. Richard is very professional and knowledgeable in his field! Thanks Richard!
Betty W., New Brighton, PA, Registered Nurse
You never really know what to expect from any service, you go and you hope for the best. This place has exceeded my expectations. I was a terrible teeth grinder and through the years this has added stress through the head, neck, eye and ear muscles. I use to have a crackling feeling in the back of my head from being out of balance. Rick has worked on each of these areas and I feel wonderful. No more crackling! I feel so much more balanced. Once you realize how good you can feel, there is no looking bad. I go to this Clinic every 3 weeks as part of my healthy life style.
Tabatha K., Aliquippa, PA
I’ve had back problems since I was in high school. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in my twenties, and was operated on for a herniated disc in 1992. I felt that whatever I had a year after surgery was what I would learn to live with. I had given up on expecting improvements.
I noticed improvement after my first treatment. Headaches, which I thought were a part of my daily routine, disappeared. My back feels better now than it has in years!
Thanks Richard!
Christine A., Hopewell, PA, Retired Teacher
I had residual pain from knee surgery, along with neck, shoulder, and back pain. I could not sleep, and was in alot of pain. I had muscle spasms so bad that I could not stand or sit for long periods of time. I noticed improvement immediately! I can now walk without limping, I have no more headaches, and I have less pain. The tingling and numbness are gone, and so are the muscle spasms.
Thanks Richard.
Francis L.. Beaver Falls, PA, Homemaker
Two words can describe Richard D. Russ, a “MAGIC MAN!”
I had been suffering from migraines for about a week, and I thought maybe a massage would help me. I was very surprised when I sat down to talk with Rich and he explained everything he would be doing, and actually making my posture a lot better. See, I had broken a lot of bones and my posture was not exactly the best.
During my first massage, Rich went over the parts of my neck I never knew had problems. He knew exactly where the parts on my neck hurt. He amazed me! The week after my first massage I had zero headaches and my moods were a lot better. I felt wonderful. I started walking more, and eating better.
Every time I go to see Rich I not only get a great massage, he also teaches me. I learn more about the human body and ways to treat it better every appointment. He really is a “MAGIC MAN!”
Thank you Rich!
Stacy C., Aliquippa, PA, Hotel Front Desk Agent
Dr. Lou D’Amico, of Chippewa Chiropractic Clinic recommended that I visit Rick Russ for deep tissue massage for problems with my TMJ. I started 6 weeks ago and what an experience it has been. Rick said I would have some discomfort at first, and that I would have to do some stretches 3 times a day. I finished up 6 treatment yesterday, I expected good results, but was amazed just how good it has been. I was having headaches, earaches, eye pressure, and dizziness, some pain in my neck and shoulders. All of my muscles connected with the TMJ. I am so pleased to say that most of my pain is a thing of the past! Needless to say we have set up a schedule to continue on expecting even better results. With my massage, Chiropractic adjustments, and stretching, who knows how much better I will feel! But I am looking forward to all!
Sally F., Darlington, PA, Retired
If you are looking for a faddish, New Age type massage with scented oils, lighted candles, and tranquil music, go elsewhere. However, if you are in serious pain and want serious help, this is the place to go. Rick is a no nonsense therapist who is dedicated to helping you heal and clearly knows his business.
In the past couple of years, I have been experiencing nearly debilitating pain in my right arm that seemed to be getting progressively worse. My doctor sent me to a physical therapist who told me I had an impinged shoulder. I went through physical therapy that included stretches, resistance training, heat pads, and 10-minute massages. At the end of four weeks of expensive therapy, nothing had changed. I was still in lots of pain, and whatever was happening to my right arm seemed to be spreading to my left.
I needed help, so I decided to try massage therapy combined with chiropractic care. I found Russ Medical on the Internet. I chose them over other massage therapists because they seemed geared towards helping people who have specific injuries, not just people looking for tension/stress relief. After five massages and some good chiropractic care, my arms/shoulders are markedly improved, and I could not be happier.
I count myself very, very lucky to have found someone who has been able to help me so profoundly. Rick made a believer out of me!
I was referred to Rick Russ by Dr. Lou D’Amico of Chippewa Chiropractic Clinic for further therapy on a frozen shoulder. I enjoyed an increase in my range of motion after the first session, and continue to see improvement after every visit. I have total confidence that with continued therapy and compliance with the exercises I was given that the condition will resolve 100% in time. Not only is Mr. Russ a total professional, but he is extremely knowledgeable in his field and makes sure I have a full understanding of what a frozen shoulder should involve, and what to expect from treatment. My family Dr. wanted me to take Celebrex for this condition. I would rather resolve the problem itself than just mask the pain. Rick Russ is seeing that becomes a reality for me. He came HIGHLY recommended by Dr. D’Amico and I can see why!
Peggy M., East Palestine, OH
I came to Russ on a recommendation from a close friend who also happens to have spent her life in the medical profession – from nursing to hospice to becoming herself a licensed masseuse.
Russ however, I was told, helped her through a personal challenge and would be in her estimation the best person for my chronically aching “pain in the neck! Not only was she right – after only ONE session with Russ – my neck felt amazingly better! Plus – because of the time he spent showing me what I could do on my own to prevent a recurrence combined with the written exercise handbook he gave me – that problem with my neck has healed to the point of complete recovery!
MANY THANKS TO YOU RICK! That was the easiest “PAIN IN THE NECK” I ever got rid of!
Donna B., Rochester, PA, Actress
I lived with neck and shoulder pain for the last nineteen years. I tried every available treatment that I knew of without significant relief. When I came to Rick I had noticeable improvement after the first visit. Rick reached the areas where the source of the problems were.
With periodic massage and a series of stretching and strengthening exercises I’ve achieved lasting relief.
Thanks Rick!
James D., Aliquippa, PA