GREAT NEWS! Russ Medical and Sport Massage Clinic will reopen on Friday, 6/12/2020.
Our clinic has been shuttered close to three months due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We hope and pray that you all have been well and that this disease has not touched your family and loved ones.
We are excited to be allowed to resume operations and we have missed providing your massage therapy services!
You can schedule your appointments via our online scheduling software by CLICKING HERE. If you experience a problem with the online option, please call our clinic at 724-774-8470 and leave a message. Rick will contact you and get you scheduled.
Our clinic will have some new protocols in place to help keep you, other clients and our staff as safe as possible during this time of COVID 19. These protocols are recommended by the State of Pennsylvania and the CDC.
Our new protocols are as follows:
- If you are sick or have been in contact with an infected COVID 19 individual, please cancel your appointment.
- You must complete a COVID 19 questionnaire prior to each appointment, (you can complete this form in advance by CLICKING HERE and printing the form).
- We will be performing a body temperature check when you enter the clinic.
- Clients will be required to wash their hands thoroughly prior to the session. Your therapist will do this before and after your session, as well.
- Face masks are recommended for all clients but are not mandatory. If you are not wearing a face mask, we will assume that you have a medical condition that prevents you to do so. Your therapist will be wearing a face mask. If you are not wearing a face mask, please practice social distancing when outside of the treatment room.
- Please arrive for your appointment NO SOONER than five-minutes before.
- We request that you attend your session alone. If you must bring someone with you, we request that they remain outside or in the vehicle.
- We ask that you practice social distancing while not in the treatment room.
- We have ramped up our already stringent sanitation process.
- We are staggering client appointments to decrease clinic occupants and allow extra time for sanitation of our facility.
- We have purchased UV C/HEPA air purifiers for all treatment rooms and common areas. The air purifiers will run 24/7.
Due to the added expenses related to the COVID 19 pandemic, we will no longer be offering discounted packages from this date forward. If you currently have a package, this does not effect you. That service has been paid for and will be honored.
Due to the new schedule staggering requirements, we will no longer be offering two-hour appointments. Appointments will be available in thirty-minute, sixty-minute and ninety-minute blocks. If you currently have a two-hour appointment on the schedule, this new change does not effect you. This change applies from this date and forward.
We have missed you all and are honored to be your massage therapy provider. If you have questions, please leave a message at the clinic, 724-774-8470 and Rick will return your call.
Thank you for your loyal patronage,
Richard Russ. LMT (PA, OH), CMMMT, NKT and Staff.